(585) 218 4212 ---- 150 Linden Oaks Suite A , Rochester NY 14625


Chiropractic care during pregnancy is a supportive choice that nurtures overall wellness, easing discomfort while honoring the body’s natural transformations. By enhancing spinal alignment, it fosters better mobility, may ease labor challenges, and creates a healthier space for both mother and baby to thrive together.

Relief from Pain

As your pregnancy progresses, your body changes. These changes can place excess strain and pressure on the spine, muscles and ligaments. Chiropractic adjustments and exercises—both of which are completely safe for expectant mothers—can provide relief from the back, hip, and sciatic nerve pain that frequently accompany pregnancy. Many women even find that chiropractic adjustments also provide relief from pregnancy-related heartburn or nausea. Chiropractic care is also known to help minimize the need for c-sections, as well as the use of forceps or vacuum during delivery.

Furthermore, the physical changes that your body undergoes during pregnancy can cause shifts and imbalances that can make for a difficult pregnancy. But perhaps more fundamentally, these imbalances can also have a negative impact on labor. The seminal obstetrics textbook, Williams Obstetrics, explains that “…any contraction of the pelvic diameters that diminish the capacity of the pelvis can create dystocia (difficulty) during labor.” The text goes on to explain that when the sacrum is displaced or out of alignment, the pelvic diameter is decreased. This could potentially lead to excessively difficult and painful labor. So restoring the natural alignment of the sacrum can help to minimize these issues. In fact, research has shown that women who receive chiropractic care during pregnancy spend an average of six fewer hours in labor than their peers who forego chiropractic care.

Webster Technique

Chiropractic care during pregnancy is essential and not only supports the mother’s health but also lays a solid foundation for the baby’s well-being.

By ensuring proper alignment and balance within the pelvis, chiropractic adjustments can create a more favorable environment for the developing infant, potentially reducing complications during delivery and enhancing neurodevelopmental outcomes.

When an expectant mother receives care, she fosters an optimal space for her baby, increasing the likelihood of a natural birth experience while mitigating stress and tension that can affect both mother and child. Embracing chiropractic adjustments means embracing a holistic approach to pregnancy, paving the way for a healthier future for the whole family.

Dr. Sarah Pace and Dr. David Raczka have a passion for helping expectant mother’s and are certified in the leading technique for  called Webster Technique.  They have taken hours upon hours of continuing education focused on helping moms during pregnancy and beyond.


Benefits for The Child

Aside from the benefits to the expectant mother, ease of delivery also has far-reaching benefits for infants. There is substantial research that links various neurodevelopmental disorders with birth trauma and/or difficult pregnancies; particularly with c-sections. For example, autistic children are 12 times more likely to suffer birth trauma or complication than their non-autistic siblings. Because birth trauma is now recognized as one of the biggest contributing factors in the growing prevalence of neurodevelopmental conditions, Dr. Sarah has made it her priority to see women prior to and during their pregnancy to help minimize potential risk factors. It is her philosophy that every expectant mother deserves the best possible chance for a natural, healthy birth!

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[email protected]
(255) 352-6258


150 Linden Oaks Suite A
Rochester, NY 14625